All my favourite online resources in one place

Taronga TV

All ages

Taronga Zoo is a You Tube library. There are so many gorgeous documentary videos- the footage is excellent and they are teaching so much about different animals.

Behind The News

Primary aged students

If you are a teacher or your child attends school in Australia, the fact is you have probably already come across Behind the News plenty of times. It is always current but we also love delving into the archives to see what interests us.

Story Online

Pre-school, infants and primary aged students.

Story online is a beautiful resource with stories read aloud by well know Americans. I used this daily when I taught Kindergarten, they just absolutely adored Story Online and the amazing library on offer.

BBC Bitesize

Ages 3-16+

Those of you reading in the UK will be completely familiar with the BBC and its resources but those of you from elsewhere around the world might not realise just how much of it is relevant to us in Australia and even those of you in the US.

ABC Kids

All ages

Not to be left behind, Australia’s own ABC also has an amazing education site. Such an amazing resource for parents and teachers alike.